Eggheads daphne fowler biography
Eggheads daphne fowler biography
Eggheads daphne fowler biography children!
Exclusive Interview With Daphne Fowler �
Quotes �
Interview by Jamie Miller
She has won Fifteen to One twice and holds the record for highest score ever achieved on the show by a female.
In , she was crowned Brain of Britain and in , she beat off MENSA champions to win Whitaker's Almanack Champions' Challenge! Her spectacular quizzing capabilities have even seen her take home a car on Sale of the Century!
Eggheads daphne fowler biography wikipedia
Nowadays, Daphne sits as one of the seven quiz goliaths who make up BBC's 'Eggheads', where she regularly trumps would-be competitors with her seemingly infallible fountain of knowledge! Whether it's answering questions on prehistoric dinosaurs to pop, this lady knows her stuff - and pity the unsuspecting competitor who falls for her charming smile!
When all her quizzing achievements are stacked up, it is a wonder how Daphne manages to stay so modest!
But Daphne is modest and an incredibly nice per