Donald oconnor biography films
Donald oconnor biography films
Donald oconnor...
The chart below was compiled from various sources including books listed in the bibliography, as well as the AFI (American Film Insitute) database, the Turner Classic Films website and the Internet Movie database.
Organized by production dates rather than release dates, it shows the grueling schedule imposed by the studios on their players and also gives a better picture of OConnors development as a performer. It also notes, where possible, OConnors close friends, family members or any special circumstances associated an individual film.
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The unwavering support OConnor shared with Peggy Ryan, Sidney Miller and Louis DaPron forged in the Universal years continued all their lives.
Donald OConnor started with Paramount at the age of 12 (April ) and made 11 pictures in the space of a little over a year.
By the time he finished Death of a Champion, his voice was changing and he had grown nearly a foot. He was still cute, but obviously not a child anymore. It appea