Deborah ellis biography author richardson
Deborah ellis (born august 7, 1960), canadian activist!
Deborah ellis biography author richardson
Ellis, Deborah
Born August 8, , in Cochrane, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Keith (an office manager) and Betty (a nurse) Ellis. Politics: "Feminist, anti-war." Hobbies and other interests: Bicycling, exploring the woods.
Writer, mental health counselor, and civil rights activist.
Margaret Frazer House, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, mental health worker, —.
Book of the Year for Children shortlist, Canadian Library Association, , Governor General's Award, , and Silver Birch Reading Award shortlist, , all for Looking for X; Ruth Schwartz Children's Book Award for young adult/middle reader category, Rose Avenue Public School, , for Parvana's Journey; Book of the Year Children Award, , Honour Book, for Parvana's Journey and Company of Fools.
Women of the Afghan War, Praeger Books (Westport, CT),
Three Wishes: Israeli and Palestinian Children Speak, Groundwood Books (Toronto, Ontario, Canada),
Our Stories, O