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Charl degol biography
Charles de Gaulle
Who Was Charles de Gaulle?
Charles de Gaulle rose from French soldier in World War I to exiled leader and, eventually, president of the Fifth Republic, a position he held until 1969.
De Gaulle's time as a commander in World War II would later influence his political career, providing him with a tenacious drive. His time as president was marked by the student and worker uprisings in 1968, which he responded to with an appeal for civil order.
Early Life and Military Career
The son of a philosophy and literature professor, famed French leader de Gaulle was born on November 22, 1890, into a patriotic and devoutly Catholic family.
De Gaulle was a well-educated and well-read child.
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Early on, he dreamed of being a military leader. He enrolled at the country's top military academy, Saint-Cyr, in 1909. In 1912 he completed his studies and joined an infantry regiment that was commanded by Colonel Philippe Pétain, serving as a lieutenant.
During World Wa