Blaine harden biography
Blaine harden biography husband.
Blaine harden biography
Harden, Blaine 1952-
PERSONAL: Born April 4, 1952, in Moses Lake, WA; son of Arno (a welder) and Betty (a homemaker; maiden name, Thoe) Harden. Education: Gonzaga University, B.A. (political science and philosophy), 1974; Syracuse University, M.A.
(journalism), 1976.
ADDRESSES: Home—New York, NY. Agent—Raphael Sagalyn, 7201 Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 675, Bethesda, MD 20814.
CAREER: Trenton Times, Trenton, NJ, reporter, 1976-78; Washington Post, Washington, DC, reporter, 1978-83, foreign correspondent and bureau chief in Nairobi, Kenya, 1984-89, bureau chief, Eastern Europe, 1989-93, political reporter, 1996-97, bureau chief, New York, NY, 1997-98; New York Times, metro desk, 1999-2000, national correspondent, 2001.
Washingtonian, Washington, DC, senior writer, 1983-84; New York Times Magazine, writer, 1999—.
AWARDS, HONORS: First prize for a feature story, Maryland-Delaware-District of Columbia Press Association, 1982; Livingston Award for Young Journalists,