Nomusa makhubu biography of rory gilmore
Nomusa makhubu biography of rory gilmore pictures.
Exploring what it means to be African
Dr Nomusa Makhubu’s work encompasses academic research and the visual arts – photography and film, in particular – to explore ideas of gender, citizenship and what it means to be African.
Today, Makhubu is an award-winning artist and a senior lecturer in art history at the University of Cape Town (UCT).
Nomusa makhubu biography of rory gilmore
She is also a National Research Foundation-rated researcher, a recipient of a Mandela Mellon Fellowship and was a runner up in the 2017 South African Department of Science and Technology Women in Science Awards. Earlier this year, she co-curated South Africa’s presentation at the Venice Biennale with Nkule Mabaso, who is also based at UCT.
But she could easily have ended up as an architect or medical doctor.
“I grew up in an industrial area south of Johannesburg in the Vaal triangle.
When I finished high school, I had good grades, and I could have followed a career in the sciences. But I had an ‘A’ in art and a keen interest in what I coul